Kinesiology for Children

Working with children

Working with Children

We just want the best for our children but sometimes it can be hard to know what’s going on for them.

‘My own children thrived with Kinesiology, and I developed a passion for helping other children come into their own with this modality’, Cherie.

For children, it can be overwhelming to deal with all the information you're being bombarded with, especially without the maturity or fully developed critical thinking and reasoning skills to do so. When this happens, it's often manifested as bad behaviour, outbursts, overly-sensitive and emotional children, disturbed sleep and problems adjusting. It is the emotional overload that can trigger fussy eating and food intolerances, which can make these problems even worse.

Our beliefs govern our behaviour and make up the very foundation of our decision-making process. The most significant and influential beliefs we develop in life occur before the age of five, when we are too young to logically and rationally participate in the forming of these beliefs. Parents can take an interest in their child’s belief system wellbeing by teaching them about their world, explaining various ways of living, and modelling positive behaviours.

Parents often become over-stressed and emotional themselves when they are trying to comprehend the reasons for their child’s behaviours. The parents’ stress and emotions come into play for the child, who becomes even more overwhelmed. Learn more about Kinesiology for mums!

Stressed kids

Children’s Health Issues

As parents, we can't help but try to understand why our children behave the way they do. Yet, we might not realise that our own stress and emotions can come into play too.

Kinesiology for Kids

Kinesiology is a form of treatment that can help children cope with any changes in their life. It can be used to help children with learning difficulties, behavioural issues, and separation anxiety, bedwetting, skin rashes, food sensitivities and more. Kinesiology can also help if parents are separated or divorced by easing the emotional stress involved. Learn more about Kinesiology.

Children have a much different demeanour than adults and so must be treated differently. Unlike a traditional Kinesiology session, my approach will vary depending on the age and interest of the child. I may choose to evoke a sensory exploration and let the child guide their own healing session on the floor with pillows, picture cards, essential oils and flower essences. Children have a special relationship to flower essences that create powerful positive changes for the child.

So eye opening!

My 10 year old son and I had a session with Cherie and it was so eye opening to see what has been happening for him!

Cherie Hamburger - North Brisbane Kinesiologist

Balancing family dynamics is my passion!

If your child’s health is a priority for you, then Kinesiology can help unlock underlying stress and anxiety and help them unlock their full potential.